@angiebaby This made me curious, and good news, you can 100% do this in Windows using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL, as someone else mentioned.)
It's pretty simple if you have a little bit of experience w/ Linux. If not, some step-by-step instructions would get you there in less than an hour. I don't have time to create those today, but if I find myself w/ some free time, I'll try to make them.
@angiebaby That said, the basic steps to create a #faircamp site using Windows are:
1) Install WSL https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install
2) Figure out where in Windows you want to store your Faircamp site. From your new Ubuntu terminal, cd (change directories) to that folder. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/filesystems
3) Put your music there like Faircamp wants you to (following their instructions).
4) cd to your new artist folder in your ubuntu terminal, and run the Faircamp commands.
@angiebaby I just did this and it literally took me 3 minutes to accomplish (granted, I have experience with this stuff).
And by the way, #faircamp is freaking AWESOME! I'm actually glad to have tried it, thinking I might actually use it now. :)
@angiebaby Also, fwiw, given how this software works, I kinda doubt it will be a straight Windows package for a long time, if ever. But using WSL is an amazing option, and I'm so glad Windows added it!!